Friday 30 January 2015


French Note 28

Only few verbs are conjugated with " être " . It is better to remember these verbs. There is a well-known mnemonic  for remembering these verbs easily. What is it ?


Imagine a tramp , always wandering , and whose wife is a doctor.

Each letter of this mnemonic will be the first letter of a verb conjugated with " être ". Let us list these verbs along with their " passé participe"

1. Mourir - mort

2.  Rentrer - rentré

3.  Sortir -    Sorti

4.  Devenir - devenu

5.   Revenir -  revenu

6.    Venir - venu

7.    Aller -  allé

8.    Naître -  né

9.    Descendre - Descendu

10.    Entrer -    Entré

11.    Retourner -  retourné

12.     Tomber -  tombé

13.     Rester - resté

14.     Arriver - arrivé

15.   Monter -  monté

16. Partir.  - parti

17.Passer - passé

You may recall that as far as " passé participe " is concerned,  I have covered them in our previous notes. Now we shall see how to conjugate for " passé composé " in respect of the above verbs for all the subject pronouns.


Je suis allé ( e)

Tu es allé ( e)

Il est allé

Elle est allée

Nous sommes allé(e)s

Vous êtes allé(e)s

Ils sont allés

Elles sont allées

The point to be noted is that ,when a verb is conjugated with " être" ,the passé participe agrees in number and gender with the subject . That is why , you find extra " e" for feminine gender and an addition of " s" for plural.

Pierre  dit , " je suis venu , ce matin.

Hélène dit , " Je suis  venue , ce matin.

Have you got the point ?

Now it is for you to make your own sentences using the above verbs in passé composé .

Sometimes verbs like , " sortir,passer,descendre" can be  conjugated with " avoir" . In a later post, I shall explain clearly the use of such verbs.

Happy Learning !

Sayee Jayaraman


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