Monday 19 January 2015

French Note 12 - Use of the verb , " MANQUER", Transitive / intransitive use, how to say " I miss you " in French.

French Note 12

Now I felt I should write a very detailed note on the French verb "MANQUER "
This verb is a very tricky one. For many , it must be confusing . If you want to use it correctly , then be prepared to spend some time .

1. This verb is about the idea of missing something or somebody. However the verb can be used transitively, intransitively , as a pronominal one and therefore learning its correct use poses problem. As usual , I shall give you suitable examples and explanation for a better comprehension.

Use of " MANQUER"as a transitive verb.

You  all know about transitive verbs. Such verbs have direct objects. In other words , there is no preposition after the verb. The object word is just put after the verb. Now observe the following examples.

J' ai eu  un rendez-vous avec mon prof à 11heures du matin.  Je me suis rendu chez lui en retard par dix minutes.  Alors, je l'ai manqué.

I had an appointment with my professor at 11am. I reached his place late by ten minutes.
Therefore I missed him.

Understand that this missing is missing an appointment . Please do not confuse this with missing your close friends or dear ones. On that point , we will come later.

Pierre  est venu aujourd'hui . Il a manqué son père que deux jours parce qu'il est parti pour Londres .

Peter came today. He missed his father just by two days because he left for London .

When one misses his train or flight or any other transport or misses an appointment with someone ,the verb , " manquer" can be used  transitively.

À cause d'embouteillage , elle s'est rendue en retard à l'aéroport . Hélas ! Elle a manqué son vol .

Due to traffic jam, she reached the airport late. Alas,she missed the flight.

Puisqu'il restait dans l'hôpital pour un moi, il a manqué son école .

As he was in the hospital for a month , he missed his school.

J' ai manqué du mariage de mon cousin car le billet pour Chennai n'était pas disponible .

I missed  my cousin's wedding as the ticket to Chennai was not available .

2. Using , " MANQUER À"

Suppose your father has gone abroad , say , for a period of few months.

Won't you miss him.?In that case , you should use the structure , " manquer à". But using it is tricky , because English way of saying it is different. In any case , observe the following

Cette homme manque à son fils.

The son misses that man.

Il lui manque.

He misses him.

Elle manque à Martin.

Martin misses her.

Hélène manque beaucoup à  Paul.

Paul misses Helen much.

In all the above sentences, the subject is the thing missed and the indirect object is the person who is missing . So while translating into English you have to be very careful. Suppose you want to tell me,

I miss you very much

Then say

Tu me manques beaucoup .

If I have to ask you " do you miss me? "

Est-ce que je te manque  ? - Will be the correct way.

In other words, "  je te manque"  means " you miss me "

Hope you understood .

If somebody fails to keep his word, then you can use the expression ,

" manquer à sa parole"

C'est choquant que mon patron ait manqué à sa parole en me refusant une promotion qu'il avait promis , il y a trois ans.

It is shocking that my boss failed to keep his word by refusing me promotion promised three years back.

Hope you understood.

This note has become lenthy. Now it is midnight . I shall continue in my subsequent notes.
Good night as well as Bonne journée !

Sayee Jayaraman


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