Saturday 17 January 2015

French Note 11- false friends - faux amis

French Note 11


Today I am giving you a note on " false friends " . What is it all about ?

Many words of French bear a striking resemblance to certain words of English . But these friends who reassemble are not used in the same sense in both the languages. Therefore , they are not really friends. You have to be very careful in using such words. I am giving you an old fashioned proverb,

"What is sauce for goose , is not sauce for gander"

Actuel -  This is a French word.

Actual - This is an English word.

Do these words reassemble ? No doubt , excepting for the fourth letter , the words are one and the same.

The meaning of the French word is current , topical . It is an adjective . Study the following sentences.

François Hollande  est le président actuel de la France.

François Hollande is the current president of France .

Hope you got it.

On the other hand , the English word means real or true or factual.

What I told you is an actual event . Don't think it is a figment of my imagination .

Ce que je vous ai dit, c'est un événement réel . N'en pensez pas que ce sois le fruit de mon imagination .

For current events in French TVs and Radio , they use the word, " actualité "

Actuellement is the adverb. It means " at present " or presently . Never use it to mean actually.

Actuellement , le parti Congress a moins de cinquante sièges dans le parlement .

At present, Congress party has less than fifty seats in the parliament .

Next French word is " adéquat " . The English word will be , " adequate "

The meaning of the French word is appropriate . It is an adjective .

Sa réponse aux questions de son patron est adéquat .

His reply to his boss' s questions is appropriate .

Quand j'essaie de le provoquer, sa réaction est merveilleusement adéquate .

When I try to provoke him, his reaction is surprisingly appropriate .

Remember , never use degrees of comparison for " adéquat ".

Something is appropriate or not. No question of more appropriate or less appropriate .

The English word " adequate "means sufficient .

He has adequate means for decent living.

Il a de quoi vivre bien.
Il a assez de moyens pour vivre bien.

The next French word will be " assister" and the corresponding English word , " to assist "

When you use the verb " assister" without any preposition , it is a direct transitive verb.

The structure of the verb will be

Assister qqn dans qqc= helping someone in something

J' assiste mon frère dans son projet.

I help my brother in his project .

Assister is also used as an indirect transitive verb used with preposition .

Assister à qc=  to be present at something, to watch something , to be a witness to something, to take part in something

Est- ce que vous aller assister au mariage de Nicolas ?

Are you going to attend the marriage of Nicolas?

Je n'aime jamais assister à un match de cricket.

I never like to watch a cricket

Hier , j'ai assisté à un accident horrible près de mon bureau.

Yesterday , I was witness to a horrible accident near my office.

As far as the English word is concerned, it is used in the same way the French word is used transitively without preposition . In the sense of helping

I assisted my professor in editing an article for the college magazine .

I shall post several notes on this topic. Kindly tell me if you find this helpful.

Bonne journée !

Sayee Jayaraman

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