Saturday 10 January 2015

French Note 7 - use of " ce dont "

French Note 7

Now I am explaining the use of " ce dont ".

In English , we use phrases like , " about which " , " of which " etc.

Observe the following examples.( these sentences have been written differently at the end of this note to please  the English years )

1.  That of which I am in need , is here.

2.  No one can give me that of which I am in need.

3. That which my son is dreaming of, that is becoming a pilot.

4. I don't know anything about that of which she was suffering for long.

5. That which I make use of for learning French, that is my Ipad.

6. He is always punctual, about which I am happy.

7. Could you tell me that about which the professor spoke yesterday ?

8. That about which we can be proud of, what is it ?

Now using , " ce dont " , I am giving the French version of the above sentences.

1. Voici ce dont j'ai besoin.

2. Personne ne peut me donner ce dont j'ai besoin.

3. Ce dont mon fis rêve , c'est de devenir un pilote .

4. Je ne sais rien ce dont elle souffrait longtemps .

5. Ce dont je me sert pour apprendre le français , c'est mon Ipad.

6. Il est toujours ponctuel, ce dont je suis content.

7. Pourriez-vous me dire ce dont le prof a parlé hier ?

8. Ce dont on peut être fier , c'est quoi ?

Please note that " ce dont" is actually the complement of the verbs followed by " de " .

Kindly note that the following verbal expressions are involved

1. Avoir besoin de qqch - to be in need of something

2. Rêver de qqch - to dream of something

3. Souffrir de qqch - to suffer from something servir de qqch - to make use of something

5. Être content de qqch  - to be happy about something

6. Parler de qqch - to speak about something

7. Être fier de qqch - to be proud of something

I hope you understood the use of " ce dont ". Please try to use these structures.
Practice makes you perfect .

Happy learning !

Bonne nuit !

Sayee Jayaraman


Important note

The English sentences have been constructed mainly to explain , " ce dont" . They may not sound well to your ears.  Don't think I have written bad English. I translated literally from French to English to make you understand. The English sentences can be rephrased to please the English ears.
1. What I need is here.
Here I find what I want
2.None can give me what I need.
3. My son's dream is to become a pilot.
4. No idea of what she was suffering from for so long.
5. I use my ipad for learning French .
6. I like his punctuality.
7. Tell me on what topic the professor spoke yesterday .
8.  What is that we can be proud of ?
Anything one can be proud of ?

Each language has its own genius . Remember it .

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