Monday 5 January 2015

French Note 5 - use of " ce qui "

French Note 5.

In this note I am going to explain the use of " ce qui " . In English we use  the following structures using " what" or "  which ".

1. What troubles me , it is his habit of telephoning me late in the night.

2. What I like , it is his punctuality.

The above sentences can be conveyed in French using " ce qui " .

1. Ce qui me gêne , c'est son habitude de me téléphoner trop tard pendant la nuit.

2. Ce qui me plait, c'est sa ponctualité .

In the above sentences, the structure , " ce qui " acts as subject .

Now  observe the following constructions,

Jean ne prononce pas correctement , ce qui m'énerve beaucoup .

John does not  pronounce correctly , which irritates me.

In the above sentence , the antecedent of " ce qui " is a sentence or a clause.

 While converting  questions to indirect speech we may have to use the structure , " ce  qui ".

Observe the following sentences,

Elle demande " Qu'est-ce qui fait ce bruit ?"

She asks , " What makes this noise ? "

When we transform the above into indirect speech , we say

Elle veut savoir ce qui fait ce bruit.

She wants to know what makes that noise.

Le prof demande, " Qu'est-ce qui accélère la croissance de l'économie ? "

The professor asks, " what accelerates the growth of economy? "

Le prof veut savoir ce qui accélère la croissance de l'économie .

The professor wants to know what accelerates the growth of economy.

Please note , " only for the question , " Qu'est-ce qui ..... ? " for which the answer is other

than a person you can use " ce qui " in indirect speech. Not otherwise.

For example, if the question is ,

Elle demande , " Qui est venu chez toi?"

You should transform that into indirect speech as below.

Elle me demande qui est venu chez moi.

Never use , ce qui in such cases.

Hope you understood .

Happy learning .

Bonne journée !

Sayee Jayaraman

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