Thursday 1 January 2015

French Note 3 " C'est + noun/ pronoun+qui+ subordinate clause

French note 3  " C'est + noun / pronoun + qui + statement / ( subordinate clause)

Using the structure " c'est +noun /pronoun+qui" followed by a statement.( subordinate clause)

The structure on which I am writing this note will be very useful while writing French when you want to emphasize the subject. It is very easy to understand.

I wrote this essay.
It is I/ me who wrote this essay.

He has to do this job.

It is him who has to do this job.

Margaret completed the project in time.

It is Margaret who completed the project in time.

These examples are sufficient for you to understand. Now let us see the French versions.

Not necessarily the same examples as above.

1. Je suis venu vous aider toujours dans vos circonstances difficiles.

I came to help you always in your difficult circumstances.

C'est moi qui suis venu vous aider toujours dans vos circonstances difficiles.

It is me who came to help you always in your difficult circumstances.

2.  Vous devez faire ce travail aujourd'hui .

You must do this work today.

C'est vous qui devez faire ce travail aujourd'hui .

It is you who must do this work today.

3. Henri Poincaré découvre le principe de relativité restreinte  avant Einstein .

Henri Poincaré discovers the principle of special relativity before Einstein .

C'est Henri Poincaré qui découvre le principe de relativité restreinte avant Einstein .

It is Henri Poincaré who discovers the principle of special relativity before Einstein .

4. Elles suggèrent qu'on aille au cinéma .

They ( fem) suggest that we go to cinema.

C'est elles qui suggèrent  qu'on aille au cinéma .

It is them who suggest that we go to cinema.

Note carefully the agreement of the verb with the noun /pronoun which precedes " qui",

I am sure you understood the note and will be in a position to construct sentences of this type.

Further you should note that when the above sentences are made with the structure,

" C'est +noun / pronoun +qui " followed by a statement/ subordinate clause  the role of the noun or pronoun

Is emphasized .  There is a difference between saying , " I did this work " and " It is I who

did this work " . Though both mean the same thing, in the second construction , emphasis

Is on the pronoun " me" . Same is the case in French also. Therefore, when you want to

emphasize or stress the role of the subject in the action , use the construction .

" C'est + noun / pronoun + qui " followed by a statement/ subordinate clause.Note that "

qui" is a relative pronoun equivalent to " who" in English .

Further note that in the fourth example , the clause which follows the verb.  " suggèrent "

is in the subjunctive mood ( present) of which there will be elaborate notes in future.

When you read French texts , identify this structure and understand it has been  used.

That is all for this note.

Happy learning !

Happy new year!

Je vous souhaite une bonne année !

T K Jayaraman



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