Monday 2 February 2015



Use of the verbs " savoir " and " Connaître "

 In all French courses , they teach you the use of these two verbs. Both of them are irregular verbs which are conjugated with " avoir". They are like twins who are not identical. In a very general way , they are synonyms of each other. But one should learn the nuances of employing them correctly.


" savoir " means " to know".

This is a transitive verb . It takes a direct object.

You take pains to learn something . Study. Spend long hours in discussion. Question.
Research . Find out. Experiment . These are the ways of acquiring knowledge.

You are in the know of some information .

You are convinced of certain things.

You know the importance of certain things.

You have information about certain things or persons.

You are well versed in certain activities after practice and training.

You have a talent for certain things . A certain knack.

Certain things have the capacity to influence us.

In all the above mentioned cases, we may use the verb " savoir"

Now  I am giving you some examples.

1.  Savez-vous la capitale de l'Indonésie ?

Do you know the capital of Indonesia ?

The school boy should know his geography.

2. Je sais qu'on va réduire l'âge de retraite .

I have information that the age of retirement will be reduced.

3. Nous savons  comment vous avez travaillé pour achever ce projet.

We know how you worked for completing this project.

4.  Le professeur de l'histoire sais la valeur de ce manuscrit.

The history  professor knows the value of this manuscript .

5. Je sais bien tes problèmes .

I know well your problems.

6. Elle sait son métier .

She know  her job.

7.  Mon ami sait plusieurs langues étrangères .

My friend knows several foreign languages.

8. Est-ce  que tu sais nager ?

Do  you know swimming ?

Do you know how to swim ?

9.  Cette actrice sait rester jeune toujours

This actress  has the knack of remaining young all the time.

10. Les livres  de certains écrivains ont su pousser des gens à la violence.

The books of certain writers had the power to in incite people to violence.

Note that the subject of the verb " savoir"in the above sentence is not a person unlike the

other sentences. But generally " savoir " verb  takes persons as subject. Use it carefully.

Now remember the following points

1.  " savoir "  can be followed by a noun.

2. " savoir"  can be followed by a subordinate clause beginning with que , qui , quand, combien , pourquoi , où , comment ,

3. " savoir" can be  followed by another verb in infinitive form.

4. Generally the subject of the verb " savoir" will be a person.

Hope this note helps you to get some idea. Keep reading French texts and observe how they use this verb . Try to use them in sentences of your own. Don't worry about mistakes.
While learning a language , it is very common. We are all non- francophones. So learning this language is a challenge . But there is always a thrill in facing a challenge be it physical or mental.

My next note will deal with " Connaître "

Sayee Jayaraman


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