Tuesday 27 January 2015




We have to pay attention to some verbs of the first group whose conjugation , though follows the general rule with regard to endings, show some variation either in spelling or accents.  I shall indicate both the infinitive and conjugation in the present of such of those verbs.

1. Acheter - to buy


Tu achètes

Il / elle/ on achète

Nous achetons

Vous achetez

Ils/elles achètent

In what way the conjugation deviates from the rule enunciated in the French Note 19?

Observe the accent of " e" which occurs first in the conjugation except those of first/second person plural. There is grave accent over the first " e" in all the conjugations. You have to remember it.

2. Appeler-to call

Tu appelles
Il/elle/on appelle
Nous appelons
Vous appelez
Ils/elles appellent

Note the doubling of the consonant " l" in respect of all conjugations except in the case of first/ second person plural.

The following verbs are conjugated like " appeler"

S'appeler, rappeler, se rappeler, renouveler

3. Manger- to eat

Je mange
Tu manges
Il/elle/on mange
Nous mangeons
Vous mangez
Ils/elles mangent

Note thé conjugation for " nous"  . After " g" an " e" is inserted. Why ? Suppose , that " e" we're not there , then the " g" would acquire  a hard sound. But we need a soft sound. So an " e"  is inserted. Hope you got the point . Therefore the " g" in mangeons as well as mangez will be pronounced in the same way.

The following verbs are conjugated like " manger"

Arranger, bouger,changer, charger, se charger,corriger,décourager,dégager,déranger,diriger,se diriger,encourager,s'engager,interroger,juger,loger,nager,négliger,neiger,obliger,plonger,ronger,songer, venger,se venger, voyager.

These are all very common verbs. Even at A1level you should know all these verbs. Please refer to a good dictionary and learn their meanings. Please practise the conjugations orally as well as in writing.

4. Commencer - to begin

Je commence
Tu commences
Il/elle/on commence
Nous commençons
Vous commencez
Ils/elles commencent

Just note " Ç " in " commençons " . Guess the reason. If you don't put the cedilla sign, it will make the " c" hard like "k" sound.

The following verbs are conjugated like " commencer"

Annoncer,avancer,déplacer, se déplacer,s'élancer,enfoncer,exercer,forcer,lancer,menacer,
Placer, prononcer,recommencer,renoncer

5.crier -to scream

Je crie
Tu cries
Il/Elle/on crie
Nous crions
Vous criez
Ils/elles crient

Surely this verb follows the general rule.  The stem will be " cri" . But the Larousse Grammar which I follow classifies this under a special grouping. May be this group consists of verbs ending in - ier . The following verbs are similar to " crier" as far as the termination is concerned.

Apprécier,confier,s'écrier ,étudier ,justifier ,lier,oublier,photographier,plier,prier,publier,réfugier.

6.ennuyer -to bore

Tu ennuies
Il/elle/on ennuie
Nous ennuyons
Vous ennuyez
Ils/elles ennuient

In the above conjugations , the stem is " ennu" for all except for the first/second person plural for which the stem would be " ennuy" . Kindly note. The following verbs are conjugated in a similar manner.

Appuyer,s'ennuyer,nettoyer,se noyer,essuyer

7. Essayer-to try

Tu essayes
Tu essaies
Il/elle/on essaye
Il/elle/on essaie
Nous essayons
Vous essayez
Ils/elles essayent
Ils/elles essaient

Note the variations in spellings excepting for the first/second person plural. You have a choice between two .

S'effrayer,payer,balayer etc are conjugated like this.

8.lever - to raise

Je lève
Tu lèves
Il/elle/on lève
Nous levons
Vous levez
Ils/elles lèvent

Please note the grave accent over the first " e" in all the conjugations except the first/second person plural. The following verbs are conjugated in a like manner.

Se lever,élever,enlever,relever,soulever,amener,emmener,mener,se promener,ramener,crever,geler,peser....

9.jeter -to throw

Je jette
Tu jettes
Il/elle/on jette
Nous jetons
Vous jetez
Ils/elles jettent

Please note the doubling of the consonant " t" in all cases except those of first/second person plural.

Rejeter, projeter,etc are conjugated in a like manner.

10.esperer - to hope

Tu espères
Il/elle/on espère
Nous espérons
Vous espérez
Ils / elles espèrent

Note the accents of the second " e" carefully. Grave accent in four cases. Acute accent in two cases. The following verbs are conjugated in a like manner.

Céder ,opérer,posséder,préférer,protéger ,régler,régner,répéter,révéler,sécher,succéder etc

With this I complete the conjugation of first group of verbs in the present tense in the indicative mood. Next I shall take up the second group verbs.

Sayee Jayaraman

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