Sunday 15 February 2015




In this note let us learn the use of French verbs followed first by the preposition "à" and then followed by infinitive of another verb. This pattern is very frequently found in French sentences. Of course in English also we have similar pattern. So it would not be difficult for English speakers to grasp these constructions. I have at present a list of 40 such verbs. I shall cover every such verb in my notes. For this note , I shall take up five verbs only and show their uses.

Verb+ à + infinitive of another verb

1.  AIDER + À ----- To help to do some thing

Mon professeur  m'aide à traduire ce texte en anglais.

My teacher helps me in translating this text into English.

La mère aide à son enfant à marcher .

La mère aide son enfant à marcher.

The mother helps her child to walk.

Remember " aider à qqn"  pattern is no longer used in modern French .  The current usage is " aider qqn". Hope you got the point.

Est-ce que vous  pouvez m'aider à faire mes devoirs ?

Can you help me to do my homework ?

Kindly note that in the above sentence  , the verb " pouvoir " is followed by the infinitive " aider" without any preposition and the verb " faire " follows " aider +à ".

Now I want to point out  the use of " aider à + nom " and " aider + nom". This is for advanced students only.

La vitamine A aide à l'amélioration de vue.
Vitamin A helps in improvement of sight.

In the above example the noun which follows is the RESULT of " aider" .  That is improvement in eyesight.

Now see the next example.

La vitamine A aide les yeux à améliorer de vue.
Vitamin A helps eyes to improve the vision.

In the above construction , the noun " les yeux " which comes after the verb " aider" represents the beneficiary of " aider".

The point is very subtle .

A familiar expression is " ça aide" " that is very useful " or " that helps "

2. S'amuser à ----- amuse oneself in doing something

On s'est amusé à chanter toute la soirée avec des amis.

We enjoyed singing the whole evening with friends.

3. Apprendre à ---- learn how to do something

Elle apprend à parler chinois.

She is learning how to talk Chinese.

A familiar expression

Ça vous apprendra !

That will teach you a good lesson!

4. S'apprêter à ---- to get ready to do something

J'ai envie de voir ma fille. Donc, je m'apprête à partir pour Djakarta .

I feel like seeing my daughter. I am ready to leave for Jakarta .

5.  Arriver à ----- manage to do something

Je n' arrive pas à comprendre ce texte.

I am not able to understand this text.

Enfin , Jean est arrivé à réparer sa voiture.

At last, John managed to repair his car.

That is all for now.

Happy learning !

Sayee Jayaraman


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