Friday 6 February 2015



In the last note we studied several examples where the definite articles are omitted. In this note, let us learn more about indefinite articles.

Un, une , des are the three indefinite articles placed before masculine singular , feminine singular  and plural nouns respectively.


Un garçon , une ville, des monuments.

A boy , a city , monuments.

The indefinite article , as the name indicates, does not point to a precise entity. It has something of an indefinite nature. There are several " garçons" or " boys" . Un garçon just indicates one such " garçon " or " boy" . It can be anyone.

Similarly , there are several " villes " or "cities " . Une ville or a city indicates just one such city. There is no further precision .

Un monument - a monument

Des monuments - monuments , it means only plural and in English we do not put any article before plural nouns . I mean indefinite articles.

1.Now compare the following sentences.

Avez-vous rencontré le professeur ?

Have  you met the teacher ?

In the above example, the definite article is used in both the languages.

The speaker talks about a teacher who is known to both interlocutors.

J' ai besoin d'un professeur  pour m'enseigner l'anglais .

I am  in need of a teacher for teaching me English.

In the above sentences, indefinite articles , " un" and " a " have been used before " professeur " and " teacher ". Why ?

There are many teachers who teach English and you need anyone of them. No further precision is given regarding the teacher.

2. In certain circumstances " un " " une" may mean " great " with a sense of exclamation.

J' ai un  appétit !

I have a great appetite
Elle a une peur !

She is terribly afraid !

Il était dans une colère !

He was terribly angry !

3. Without exclamation , the novelists of the nineteenth century , used the indefinite article
before an abstract noun to evoke a sense of diffused feeling/ emotion .

Et elle demeurait dans une adoration , jouissant de la fraîcheur des murs et de la tranquillité de l'église. ( Flaubert , Un Cœur simple )

And she  remained in a sort of adoration enjoying the freshness of the walls and the tranquility of the church.

Note the use of " une " before " adoration ".

Quand je regardais cette figure ,  une peur m'envahit .

When I was watching that figure , a sort of fear invaded me.

4. The indefinite article is used to indicate our judgement over somebody or something in a
flattering or unflattering  way.

Vous n'avez qu'écrit à votre fils, il y a un an. Vous êtes un père !

You wrote to your son one year back.  You are also a father!

Einstein , voilà un génie .

Einstein , here is a genius.

5. Indefinite articles are used in an admiring way in respect of famous people.

Un Socrates , un Plato et un  Aristote   ont fondé la philosophie grecque .

A Socrates, a Plato and an Aristotle founded Greek Philosophy.

6. " des" is used to indicate the extent / duration  while using with the following words.

Heures, jours,semaines, années , dizaines, pages,

Elle vous attend des heures.

She is waiting for you for hours.

Il y a des années que je ne t'ai vu.

I saw you years ago.

Sometimes the expression is repeated for emphasis on the number / quantity.

Elle a d'habitude d'écrire  des pages et des pages .

She has the habit of writing pages and pages.

Il a été absent  des jours et des jours.

He was absent for days together .

8. Normally in French , while telling one' s or somebody's profession , no article is used.
But in certain contexts, when the profession is emphasized or highlighted, indefinite articles are used.

Je suis avocat.

I am an advocate .

Ne signez pas ce document.

- Pourquoi pas?

-Écoutez mon conseil . N'oubliez pas  que je suis un avocat.

Don't sign this document .

- Why not ?

- Listen to my advice. Don't forget that  I am an advocate.

Have you understood why the indefinite article , " un " is used in the second example to

indicate the profession of advocate. The fact of being an advocate is important in the context.

So remember the nuances in the following sentences.

Je suis professeur . Je suis un professeur .

Tu es infirmière . Tu est une infirmière .

Il est médecin .

C'est un médecin .

Observe thé use of  " ce" in third person while using indefinite article. Even for plural

" Ce" is used.

That is all for this note.

My next note will be on " contracted articles " and " partitive articles "

Happy learning . Inadvertent errors may be brought to my notice. I shall stand corrected.

Sayee Jayaraman


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