Saturday 25 July 2015

FRENCH NOTE 84 ON " DE" - Preposition.

 French Note on " De " -preposition

Every student of French language should have a clear understanding of the use of the preposition " de ". It is worthwhile to spend some time on it.

The basic meaning of this preposition is " of " or " de ".

Let us see the different contexts in which " de " is used in French.

1. A starting point or origin in space.

On arrive de Delhi.

We are arriving from Delhi . ( De = from )

2. Expressing cause

Elle souffre de l'estomac .

She suffers from stomach problem .

3. Expressing a method or use of instrument

Je pousse la porte du pied. ( du = de + le )

I push the door  with foot.

4. Expressing Agent in passive voice .

Le professeur est respecté de tous.

The teacher is respected by all.  ( note the use of " de" in the sense of " by" in English.)

5. Expressing manner of doing something

Martin parle d' une façon impolie. ( de + une= d'une)

Martin talks in an impolite manner.

6. Expressing duration

On s'est habitué à travailler de nuit.

We are used to working in the night.

7. Expressing progressions in the following expressions

De jour en jour - day by day

De temps en temps - from time to time

De temps en temps, elle me demande de l'argent.

I will continue this subject in another note.

Happy learning .

T. K. Jayaraman

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