Thursday 30 July 2015

French Expression 13 " Du jour au lendemain "

 French Expression 13

" Du jour au lendemain "- " overnight "

When an event happens shortly after another event or if the happening is abrupt , this French expression comes handy to us. Go through the following examples carefully.

1. Elle a d'habitude de changer son avis au jour du lendemain .

She has the habit of changing her opinion all on a sudden.

2. C'était l'an 1975. Personne ne l'a attendu. .  Du jour au lendemain , Indira  Gandhi proclame un état d'urgence en Inde.

It was the year 1975. None expected it. Overnight , Indira Gandhi proclaims a state of emergency in I dia.

3. Seul Dieu sait ce qui s'est passé entre eux.  Du jour au lendemain ,ils ont cessé de se parler.

God only knows what happened between them. Overnight, they stopped talking  talk to each other.

The literal translation of the expression would be " from a day to the next day " . It only conveys the abruptness of an event. But it is best translated in English in the following ways.

" one fine day ", " overnight " , " all on a sudden "

C'est tout . That is all for now.

À bientôt !

T. K. Jayaraman

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