Friday 24 July 2015

French Expression 4 " avoir chaud "

French Expression 4 " avoir chaud "

In this expression , the word " chaud " is an adverb. The expression is equivalent to saying in English " to feel warm " . It is used when you feel warm because of weather conditions.

Aujourd'hui, j'ai chaud ici.

Today I feel warm here.

Je veux sortir de cette chambre. J'ai chaud.

I want to get out of this room. I feel warm.

You already know that while talking about weather, for the question,

"Quel temps fait-il ?" , a possible reply would be , " il fait chaud ". It means , " it is warm ".

When an object has a higher temperature , we say,

C'est  chaud .  It is hot. ( Chaud is adjective but used in masculine in expression with C 'est)

In all the other expressions, " chaud " is an adverb and it is invariable. When " chaud" is an adjective

it has two forms , " chaud, chaude" depending on the noun which it qualifies , masculine  or feminine


Be careful about the expression , " Elle est chaude " . When " Elle " refers to a person, it has

it has a sexual connotation . ( she is horny ).

The expression " avoir eu chaud " is idiomatically used to mean " to have a narrow escape "

Hier, la famille Vincent a eu chaud dans l'autoroute 7.

Yesterday , the Vincent family had a narrow escape in highway 7,

Hope it is clear.


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