Saturday 25 July 2015

French Expression 7 Être + à + noun/ stressed pronoun

 French Expression 7

Être à + noun / stressed pronoun

Today let us learn how to express possession by using " être ". It is very simple. All learners of French Language should know this.  Observe the following sentences.

Ce livre est à moi.

This book is mine. / This book belongs to me.

Ce cravate est à toi.

This tie is yours./ This tie belongs to you.

Est-ce que ce stylo est à vous ?

Does this pen belong to you ?/ is this pen yours ?

Ces voitures sont à Pierre.

These cars belong to Peter.

Hope you remember the tonic / stressed pronouns of French. They are as follows.

Moi. Toi lui, elle, nous, vous, eux, elles

C'est tout.

Happy learning !

T. K. Jayaraman

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