Sunday 26 July 2015

French Expression 8 " être fatigué (e) " - to be tired

French Expression 8 " être fatigué "- to be tired

How to express the fact that one is tired. Very easy. Use the expression " être fatigué( e)"

" fatigué" means tired. It is an adjective.

Jean dit , " Je suis fatigué "

John says , " I am tired "

Hélène dit, " Je suis fatiguée "

Helen says " I am tired"

Note the difference between the two statements though the meaning is same . Why that extra " e " when Helen makes the statement . When a girl makes the statement , the adjective " fatigué " should agree in number and gender with the subject . Hence " fatiguée ". We are adding an " e" - marker of feminine gender in French.

Nous sommes fatiguées. ( when nous refers to a group of females )

Nous sommes fatigués . ( when nous refers to a group of males  or a mixed group)

Ils / elles sont fatigué(e)s

Some more examples

Comme je suis fatigué , je vais dormir .

As I am tired, I am going to sleep.

I hope this simple phrase is clear to you now.

Est-ce que vous êtes fatigué(e)s ?
Are you tired ?
Je vous laisse maintenant.
I leave you now.

T. K. Jayaraman

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