Thursday 23 July 2015

French Expression 3 - être amoureux / amoureuse de qqn- to be in lové with somebody

French expression 3- être amoureux / amoureuse de qqn - to be in love with somebody

English language uses the phrase " to fall in love ". Some learners of French language have a tendency to say " tomber en amour " , a sort of literal translation. This is not the

correct way of putting it in French. What is acceptable to French are the following expressions.

"  être amoureux de / amoureuse de quelqu'un "

    "To be in love with somebody "

    " tomber amoureux / amoureuse de quelqu'un "

     " to fall in love with somebody "

Mathilde est amoureuse de Martin .

Mathilde is in love with Martin.

Jean est amoureux de Carla.

John is in love with Carla.

Mathilde est tombée amoureuse de Martin.

Mathilde fell in love with Martin.

Jean est tombé  amoureux de Carla.

John fell in love with Carla.

You know why amourux and amoureuse are used though the meaning is the same. These words are adjectives and they have to be in agreement with the gender and number of the nouns which they qualify .

The idea of this note is that while using French language  one should avoid " anglicisme ".

T. K. Jayaraman

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