Sunday 12 April 2015



In this note , let me discuss the use of " TROP ".
" TROP " is a French adverb. It means " too much " or excessively.

1. C'est trop loin.
It is too far.

2. Aller trop loin - exaggerate
Tu vas trop loin en jugeant sa compétence .
You are exaggerating while judging his competence.

3. Doing something excessively
Elle mange trop . Comment pourrait- elle réduire son poids ?
She eats too much. How could she reduce her weight ?

4. Trop de temps
Il prend trop de temps pour finir son travail.
He takes too much time for completing his work.

5. Ne pas trop aimer QQCH - not to like something much
Je n'aime pas trop cette ville.
I don't like this city much.

6. Ne pas trop savoir - not to be too sure
Je ne sais pas trop son intention .
I am not too sure of his intention .

7. Je n'ai pas trop envie !
I don't really feel like it

8. C'est trop - it's too much !

9. Trop de= beaucoup de
Il y a trop de gens dans cette salle.
There are too many people in this room.

10. Learn the following usages.
Trop de hâte nuit - Haste makes waste
Trop dormir - oversleep
Trop infusé - stewed
Trop manger - overeat
Trop mûr - over ripe
Trop payé - overpaid
Trop peu - too little
Trop sucre - too sweet
Trop tôt - too soon
Trop élèvé-steep
In most of the examples above, " TROP " is placed before an adjective.

For the time being , this is sufficient . There are several other expressions which I will
discuss some other time.

Happy Learning
Sayee Jayaraman

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