Friday 10 April 2015



This is the final note on " PLEIN ". I will discuss some expressions containing this word.
1. " le PLEIN " can be used as a noun. It means " solid"
Le plein et le vide = solid and hollow

2. While talking about filling the petrol tank fully , " PLEIN " is used.
Un plein - a full tank
Je ne démarre la voiture qu'avec un plein.
I start the car only with full tank.

3. Battre son plein - to be in full swing
L'évacuation des ressortissants indiens de Sana bat son plein .
The evacuation of Indian Nationals from Sana is in full swing.
La grève de SNCF bat son plein.
The Railway strike is in full swing ( in France)

4. Respirer à pleins poumons - to breath deeply
Le yoga se fait en respirant à pleins poumons .
Yoga is done by taking deep breaths.

5. À pleins bords - full to the brim
Remplissez la verre à pleins bords.
Fill the glass full to the brim.

6 .plein- emplois or plein emplois.
You can write the above expression with or without the hyphen.
The meaning is " full employment " .
Le plein-emploi , c'est un rêve dans les pays en voie du développement .
Full employment is a dream in developing countries.

7. Le plein- air - outdoor sports
This masculine noun is invariable .
Le plein-air est obligatoire dans cette école .
Outdoor sports is compulsory in this school.

8. Le plein- temps
As a noun , this expression means " full time job"
Après sa retraite , elle cherche un plein-temps.
After her retirement , she is looking for a full time job.

9. Plein-temps can be used as an adjective also. ( invariable )
C'est ma secrétaire plein-temps.
This is my full time secretary.
10. Plein- vent, pleins-vents
The above noun refers to certain fruit bearing trees like Apple trees.
The expression may mean " avenue trees".
That is all for " PLEIN "

Happy Learning .
Sayee Jayaraman

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