Monday 6 April 2015


Let me continue the note on " TIME EXPRESSIONS" in French . There are five words
in this note.
1. Auparavant - Formerly,previously , before ( d,abord)
This is an adverb of time. Actually , the word consists of the following components.
Au + par + avant
Une semaine auparavant , mon ami est allé en France.
Before a week , my friend went to France .
Je veux vous aider, mais expliquez votre problème auparavant .
I want to help you, but explain your problem first.
Auparavant , les gens étaient très polis.
Formerly, people were more polite.
2. Jadis - Formerly, before,long ago
This is also an adverb of time . It is mainly used in literary passages. In other words ,
" Registre Soutenu".
Il y avait un palais ici jadis.
There was a palace here ,longtime ago.
Jadis, les Indiens portent des vêtements indiens avec des cravates.
In olden days , Indians wore Indian dress with ties.
3. Parfois - sometimes, on occasions ( adverb of time ), occasionally
This word is normally used in written French .
Parfois , on va au restaurant chinois .
Sometimes , we go to the Chinese restaurant .
Est-ce que vous fumez? Parfois, oui.
Do you smoke ? Yes, sometimes.
4. Autrefois - formerly , once upon a time ( adverb of time )
Autrefois, l'Inde était très riche .
Once upon a time , India was very rich.
Elle a été autrefois une excellente nageuse .
She was formerly an excellent swimmer.
5. Une nuit blanche - sleepless night
This is French Idiom which means , " a sleepless night ".
En apprenant la nouvelle de l'accident d'avion, ils passaient une nuit blanche, car ses
parents étaient dans l'avion qui s'est écrasé .
On learning the news of air crash, they spent a sleepless night as their relatives were in the
plane which crashed.
That is all in this note.
Happy learning . Point out inadvertent errors , if any.
Sayee Jayaraman

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