Tuesday 31 March 2015



Now let us learn the use of demonstrative pronouns ( composed) . What are they ?

With a hyphen you attach " ci" et " là " to the demonstrative pronouns already studied in the last few notes. First let me give you the list

Celui-ci.           Celui-là        Ceux-ci.          Ceux-là

Celle-ci              Celle-là.       Celles-ci.       Celles-là

In two circumstances , we can use these composed demonstrative pronouns. To denote things / persons near or proximate, use  pronouns hyphenated with CI and for those which are far use pronouns hyphenated with LÀ . Their English equivalents are this one/ these ones and that one / those ones taking care of gender and number. That means for masculine , you would use  Celui, Ceux hyphenated with ci or là. And for feminine , Celle , CELLES with ci or là.

I think the point is very clear to you.

The second circumstance is when you denote a noun mentioned earlier by a demonstrative pronoun hyphenated with CI and that mentioned later by a demonstrative pronoun hyphenated with LÀ. In English , one would use the terms " former" and " latter"

When you go through the following examples, you will not have anymore doubts.

1. Which shirt do you want ? This one or that one ?

Quelle chemise voulez-vous?  Celle-ci ou celle-là ?

2.  Which  way takes you to the railway station ? This one or that one?

 Quel chemin mène à la gare ? Celui-ci ou Celui-la ?

3. Here are the books. These are for Peter and those are for Helen .

Voici les livres. Ceux - ci  pour Pierre et ceux- là pour Hélène .

4.  See these cars . These ones are big and those ones are small.

Regardez ces voitures. Celles-ci sont grandes et celles- là sont petites.

5. Today  I am going to meet  Ramesh and Mani. The former is my cousin and the latter is

my nephew.

Aujourd'hui , je vais rencontrer Ramesh et Mani. Celui- ci est mon cousin et celui- là est

mon neveu.

6.  I learn literature and philosophy. The former is easy and the latter is difficult.

J'apprends la littérature et la philosophie. Celle-ci est facile et celle-là est difficile.

 With  the above examples , all situations have been covered to illustrate the use of

composed demonstrative pronouns.

In the next post , I shall take up the neutral demonstrative pronouns.

Happy learning !

Point out inadvertent errors, if any.

Sayee Jayaraman


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