Sunday 1 March 2015



I don't mean telling time by the clock .That is too elementary . Here we deal with expressions relating to time in French . We have a very rich crop of words and expressions. If you learn them thoroughly ,you can write better French . Let us take five expressions for each note and learn how we can use them.  Perhaps , I may require about ten notes for completing this topic. If anyone has suggestions, he or she is free to make them.

1. N' importe quand -  anytime ( no matter when )

In bracket I have given the literal translation.

Pierre a l'habitude de déranger sa mère ,n'importe quand.

Peter has the habit of disturbing his mother anytime.

Elle mange n'importe quand .

She eats anytime.

2. Tout à l'heure      -  in an instant , a little while ago ,just now

Remember this adverbial phrase can be used both for past and future.

Tout à l'heure , on sortira.

Shortly , we will leave.

Tout à l'heure , elle est sortie.

She left a little while ago.

3. Tout de suite -  in an instant, shortly , immediately

Tout de suite , Céline Dion va chanter .

Shortly, Celine Dion is going to sing.

4. sur-le-champs - straightaway ,immediately

Elle rencontre cet écrivain . Sur-le-champs, elle tombe amoureuse de l'lui.

She meets that writer. Straightaway , she falls in love with him.

On m'offre un poste de professeur de mathématiques . Je l'accepte , sur- le- champs.

I am offered the post of a maths teacher. I accepted it immediately. temps en temps - from time to time

De temps en temps, elle  va à Delhi .

From time to time, she goes to Delhi.

De temps en temps , Martin envoie de l'argent à sa mère .

From time to time, Martin sends money to his mother.

We shall continue in the next post.

Sayee Jayaraman



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