Tuesday 31 March 2015



Now let us learn the use of demonstrative pronouns ( composed) . What are they ?

With a hyphen you attach " ci" et " là " to the demonstrative pronouns already studied in the last few notes. First let me give you the list

Celui-ci.           Celui-là        Ceux-ci.          Ceux-là

Celle-ci              Celle-là.       Celles-ci.       Celles-là

In two circumstances , we can use these composed demonstrative pronouns. To denote things / persons near or proximate, use  pronouns hyphenated with CI and for those which are far use pronouns hyphenated with LÀ . Their English equivalents are this one/ these ones and that one / those ones taking care of gender and number. That means for masculine , you would use  Celui, Ceux hyphenated with ci or là. And for feminine , Celle , CELLES with ci or là.

I think the point is very clear to you.

The second circumstance is when you denote a noun mentioned earlier by a demonstrative pronoun hyphenated with CI and that mentioned later by a demonstrative pronoun hyphenated with LÀ. In English , one would use the terms " former" and " latter"

When you go through the following examples, you will not have anymore doubts.

1. Which shirt do you want ? This one or that one ?

Quelle chemise voulez-vous?  Celle-ci ou celle-là ?

2.  Which  way takes you to the railway station ? This one or that one?

 Quel chemin mène à la gare ? Celui-ci ou Celui-la ?

3. Here are the books. These are for Peter and those are for Helen .

Voici les livres. Ceux - ci  pour Pierre et ceux- là pour Hélène .

4.  See these cars . These ones are big and those ones are small.

Regardez ces voitures. Celles-ci sont grandes et celles- là sont petites.

5. Today  I am going to meet  Ramesh and Mani. The former is my cousin and the latter is

my nephew.

Aujourd'hui , je vais rencontrer Ramesh et Mani. Celui- ci est mon cousin et celui- là est

mon neveu.

6.  I learn literature and philosophy. The former is easy and the latter is difficult.

J'apprends la littérature et la philosophie. Celle-ci est facile et celle-là est difficile.

 With  the above examples , all situations have been covered to illustrate the use of

composed demonstrative pronouns.

In the next post , I shall take up the neutral demonstrative pronouns.

Happy learning !

Point out inadvertent errors, if any.

Sayee Jayaraman




Let us continue our study of demonstrative pronouns. In this note, we take up " CELLES".

As already pointed out " CELLES" is the plural form of " CELLE".  Of course , you know that

they are in the place of feminine nouns. Let us go through the following examples.

1. The ones who hail from Kerala are much interested in sports.

Celles qui viennent de Kerala s'intéressent beaucoup au sports.

As the subject of the sentence is a noun in feminine plural form, we use " CELLES " . It is

as simple as that. " Qui" is used after " CELLES", as it is a subject in this sentence.

2.  I want to buy some dress. The ones available in Orion Mall are not to my liking.

Je veux acheter des robes. Celles qui sont disponible à Hypermarché Orion ne me  plaisent pas.

The above example is to show that , " Celles" can be used for nouns other than persons.

3. I like songs of PB Srinivas. But my brother likes those of Jesudas.

 J'aime les chansons de PB Srinivas. Mais mon frère aime celles de Jesudas.

The above example shows the use of a preposition " de" after " CELLES". Other

prepositions can also be used after, " CELLES ".

4.  My car is Hyundai Santro.  The ones owned by my friend are manufactured by Maruti.

Ma voiture est Hyuandai Santro. Celles que mon ami possède sont fabriquées par Maruti.

The above example is to show the use of " CELLES Que" . In this example, it is the object

of the verb " posseder" which follows it.

I hope that by now the use of demonstrative pronouns ( simple) is clear to you.

In the next few posts, I shall deal with demonstrative pronouns ( complex).

Happy learning .

Point out inadvertent errors , if any.

Sayee Jayaraman





We have already dealt with " CELUI " and " CELLE" which are the masculine singular and feminine singular forms.



The above are the plural forms of " CELUI " and " CELLES" respectively . Now let us study some examples . They are used for both persons and things in French .

1.Those who live in glass houses should not throw stones.

Ceux qui se trouvent dans les maisons en verre ne doivent pas jeter des pierres.

" Ceux qui" is just a plural form of " Celui".

2.  Here are your books. Take them. The ones  on the table are mine.

Voici tes livres. Prenez-les.  Ceux qui se trouvent sur la table sont les miens.

This example is just to show you that " Ceux"  can be used to denote nouns other than


3.  What women want, God wants them.

Ceux que les femmes veulent , Dieu les veut.

The above example is to show you the use of " Ceux que" which is the object of the

verb " vouloir" which follows it.

4.  Those whom I know do not live here.

Ceux que je connais n'habitent pas ici.

5.   My pants are black. Those of my brother are white.

Mes pantalons sont noirs. Ceux de mon frère sont blancs.

The above example is just to show you that " Ceux" can be used with a preposition . Here

the preposition is " de".  It can be used with other prepositions like " pour" , " dans" etc.

Hope , by now, you have understood how to use these demonstrative pronouns. While

reading or listening to French texts, kindly make a note of them. You can construct as many

sentences as possible using them.

I will continue the same topic in my subsequent posts.

Please point out inadvertent errors if any.

Happy learning !

Sayee Jayaraman





In the last note , I dealt with the demonstrative pronoun " CELUI" in its simple form. Now I will take up the other demonstrative pronouns in their simple forms.

CELUI.                          CEUX

CELLE                          CELLES

When the pronoun represents a feminine singular noun , use " CELLE".

CEUX is the plural form of CELUI.

CELLES  is the plural form of CELLE.

Study the examples given below. When you come to the end of this note, you will be thorough with the use of demonstrative pronouns ( simple).

1. The one seated on the chair is my niece.

Celle qui est assise sur la chaise est ma nièce .

Why " Celle qui" ? 

" nièce " is feminine singular . So " Celle qui" and not " Celui qui".

Hope the point is clear.

2.  There are many dancers. But the one whom we admire  is Vyjayanthimala.

 Il y a beaucoup de danseuses. Mais celle qu'on admire est  Vyjayanthimala .

Why " Celle que" and not " celle qui " ?

" celle que" is  the object of the verb " admirer" .  Remember that whenever the demonstrative pronoun represents an object of the verb which follows It, you should use 
" Celle que" and not " Celle qui". This principle  will be followed in other cases also.

Hope the point is very clear now.

3.  My house is the one opposite to the hospital .

Ma maison est celle qui est en face de l'hôpital .

The above example is given to show that " Celle qui" can stand for  nouns other than persons .  Since " Maison " is feminine singular , we use " Celle qui" .  Moreover, " Celle qui" is the subject of the verb "être " .

Hope all points are very clear.

4.  There are many shirts in the store. The one which I like is blue.

Il y a beaucoup de chemises dans le magasin . Celle que j'aime  est bleu.

Hope you understood why we employ "  Celle que" .   " Celle que"  is the object of the verb " aimer" which follows it . " chemise" is feminine singular and therefore " Celle" and not " Celui ".

5.    Your mother is a nurse. That of  Jean  is an advocate.

Votre mère est infirmière . Celle de Jean est avocate.

Just like " Celui " , " Celle " and other demonstrative pronouns ( simple) can be followed by prepositions.

6.  The one with whom he had an affair left him .

Celle avec qui il a eu une liaison  l'a quitté.

Observe the use of preposition after " Celle". We can use other prepositions also.

To sum up ," CELLE" , can be used with relative pronouns and prepositions representing not only persons but  also things other than persons. You may use it with " dont" also. This note is not as exhaustive as I would like it to be. Kindly read good French texts to master the grammar  points.

I tried my best to make you understand " Celle" in this post. 

I will continue  the same topic in my next posts.

Happy learning .

Point out if any inadvertent errors have crept in.

Sayee Jayaraman 




Tell me all about ,"CELUI ,CELLE, CELUI-Ci etc ,"

This  note is about the use of demonstrative pronouns in French . I assure you that it is not difficult to master them. They exist in simple and complex form. Let us take the simple one first and the complex later.

When I start from English to French, the concepts are easily understood. In English , we often  use the phrases , " that which ", " he/she who", " those which", " those who" , " he she whom", " those whom". To put these phrases into French , the simple demonstrative pronouns like " CELUI " come handy.  The simple demonstrative pronouns are generally used with a relative pronoun like qui, que , dont etc.The following examples would clarify the usage.

He who works hard will succeed.

Celui qui travaille dur, réussira .

Do you want this book ? No I want that which contains photos.

Est-ce que tu veux ce livre? Non, je veux celui qui contient des photos.

Kindly  observe that in the first example, " celui qui" is translated as " he who" as it indicates a person. But in the second example " celui qui" is translated as " that which " as " book" is a thing . French language uses " Celui qui" both for persons and things.

Further note that " Celui qui" is the subject of the verb which it follows.

Study the following examples

He whom I loved is dead.

Celui  que j'ai aimé est mort.

- Peter, this pant is for you.

- That which  I want is green .

- Pierre , ce pantalon est pour toi.

- Celui que je veux est vert.

Remember that in French , " Celui que" should be used only  when it is a direct object of the verb which follows.  When " Celui  que"  denotes a person , it is translate in English as " he whom" or " one whom".

But when , "  celui que" is not a person,  , it is translated in English as "  that which" or " the one which ".

"  Celui " can be followed by " dont" in French . Study the examples given below.

The one of whom ( about whom ) I spoke will come in 15 minutes.

Celui dont j'ai parlé viendra in 15 minutes.

- You can choose a book.

- That of which I am in need is not available.

- Tu  peux choisir un livre.

-  Celui dont j'ai besoin n'est pas disponible .

Note that ,"  Celui dont "  can be translated in English as " the one of whom" , " the one about whom" , " that of which" , " that about which " depending on the context and that fact whether one is speaking of a person or thing.

" Celui" can be used with a preposition in French . Let me explain , by first giving English examples and then their French equivalents.

My father is a doctor. That of my cousin is a teacher.

Mon père est médecin . Celui de mon cousin est professor.

This pen  is for you. The one for your sister is in the bag.

Ce stylo est pour toi. Celui pour ta sœur est dans le sac.

I know  about a temple in gold. But not one in silver.

Je connais un temple en or.  Mais pas celui en argent .

" Celui"  comes always in the place of a noun in masculine form and singular number in French. It can stand either for a person or a thing .

I shall continue this subject in a few more notes. If you grasp this note, following subsequent  notes will be very easy.

T K Jayaraman


Tuesday 17 March 2015

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Skype. sayee49



Friday 6 March 2015



As usual , let us learn five more time expressions in this note.

1. C'est la première fois - It is the first time

C'est la première fois que Narendra Modi et Barak  Obama se rencontrent .

This is the first time that Narendra Modi and Barak Obama meet with each other.

Ce n'est pas la première fois que tu fais des bêtises .

This is not the first time you do stupid things.

2. Ces jours-ci - nowadays,

Ces jours-ci , tout le monde possède un portable.

Nowadays , everybody owns a mobile phone.

Ces  jours - ci, il est  difficile à trouver un boulot sans un diplôme .

These days , it is difficult to get a job without a diploma.

3.Désormais  - hereafter, from then on

Elle est obèse . Désormais , elle va faire du sport régulièrement .

She is obese. Hereafter she will play games regularly.

Cet homme de politique a été impliqué dans un scandale. Désormais , on le boycotterait.

That politician had been involved in a scandal. From then on, he would be boycotted.

4.À ce moment là  - at that time

La seconde  guerre mondiale commence en 1939. À ce moment là , il faut se passer même

des choses les plus essentielles.

The Second World War started in 1939. At that time, one had to go without even the most

essential things.

( In French, there is a practice of narrating historical incidents in present tense to make it lively )

Mon père était fonctionnaire dans le gouvernement . À ce moment là , il était fréquemment

en déplacement .

My father was an official in the government . At that time, he was frequently on the move.

5. Plus tard - later

Je suis très occupée , maintenant . On parlera plus tard.

I am very busy now. We will talk later.

Demandez-lui de m'appeler plus tard.

Ask him to call me later.

That is all for now.

Happy learning .

Sayee Jayaraman


Thursday 5 March 2015



Let us learn five more time expressions in this note.

1. Au fur et à mesure ( locution adverbiale ) - gradually , as and when

Marchez tous les jours et vous allez perdre des poids au fur et à mesure.

Walk everyday and you will lose weight gradually.

2. Au fur et à mesure  de ( locution prépositionnelle ) - as, in proportion to

On dit qu'on réussira au fur et à mesure de son intelligence .

It is said that a person's success will be in proportion to his intelligence.

Selon Gandhi , le bonheur sera à la portée  de tous, au fur et à mesure de sa simplicité .

According to Gandhi, happiness will be within the reach of all in proportion to his/ her simplicity.

3. Au fur et à mesure que ( locution conjonctive ). - as, to the extent

Cet usine fabrique des machines au fur et à mesure qu'on reçoit des commandes.

This factory produces machines as and when  orders are received.

On améliora son vocabulaire au fur et à mesure qu'on lit des livres de genres divers.

We improve our vocabulary  as we read books of different types of books.

4. Au plus tard -  latest by

Je vous prêterai  la somme de l'argent dont vous avez besoin si vous en rendrez au plus tard le 31 mars.

I will lend you the sum you need if you can return it latest by 31st March.

Il faut achever ce projet au plus tard en 2017.

This project should be completed latest by 2017.

5.  Au moment  qui  vous  conviendra - the moment suitable for you

Vous pouvez me répondre au moment qui vous conviendra.

You may reply me at your convenience.

You may reply me when it suits you.

Venez chez nous au moment qui vous convient.

Come to our place when you find a suitable time.

That is all for now.

Happy learning !

Sayee Jayaraman





Let us learn five more time expressions in this note.

1. Tant que   - as long as, so long as

Tant qu'on vit, il faut être actif.

As long as one lives, one should be active.

Je veux travailler en tant que ma santé le permettra.

I want to work as long as my health permits it.

2.  Aussi longtemps que - as long as, so long as

Ce garçon est heureux aussi longtemps qu'on le laisse  jouer.

This boy is happy as long as he is allowed to play.

La vie est intéressante aussi longtemps qu'on a un but à parvenir .

Life is interesting so long as we have a goal to reach.

3. Ça fait un bail que - it is long since

Ça fait un bail qu'on ne s'est pas parlé.

It is long since we talked to each other.

Ça fait un bail que la tante Alice n'est pas venue chez nous.

It is long since Aunt Alice came to our place.

4. En un clin d'œil - in a trice ( time of an eye wink ), in no time

Mathieu peut résoudre cette équation en un clin d'œil .

Matthew can solve this equation in a trice.

Faites attention ! Cet homme peut vous tricher en un clin d'œil .

Be careful ! That man can cheat you in no time.

5. Quand vous voulez  - whenever you want

Vous pouvez emprunter ce livre quand vous voulez.

You  can  borrow this book ,whenever you want

Écoutez les podcasts de  Radio France Internationale, quand vous  voulez.

Listen to the podcasts of RFI , whenever you want.

That is all for now. My aim is to help the English knowing learners to express well in French. So I select French expressions equivalent to common English expressions.

Sayee Jayaraman

05/ 03/2015

Wednesday 4 March 2015



Let us learn five more time expressions in this note.

1. Lors de quelque événement. - at the time of some event , during

Lors de son discours , le Président souligne l'importance du sport.

In his speech, the President emphasizes the importance of sports.

La plupart des chefs des états se ressemblent lors des funérailles de Nelson Mandela.

Most of heads of states got together at the funeral of Nelson Mandela.

2. Au commencement de quelque événement  - at the beginning of some event

En Inde, au commencement d'un programme culturel , la prière est obligatoire.

In India , at the beginning of a cultural programme, prayer is a must.

Les physiciens disent qu'au commencement de l'univers , il y avait une singularité .

Physicist tell that at the beginning of the universe , there was a singularity.

3  dès que - Introduces one action prior to another.- as soon as

Dès que tu seras arrivé à la gare, Pierre te rencontrera.

As soon as you arrive at the station, Peter will meet you.

Dès que on aura reçu votre commande, on vous enverra des marchandises.

As soon as we receive your order, we will send you the goods.

4. Aussitôt que - dès que,as soon as

Aussitôt que le ministre sera arrivé , on commencera le programme .

As soon as the minister arrives , we will commence the programme.

Aussitôt que vous aurez passé cet examen, le patron augmentera ton salaire.

As soon as you pass that examination , the boss will raise your salary.

Aussitôt que j'avais reçu mon salaire , j'ai acheté  un ipad .

No sooner had I received my salary than I bought an ipad.

Aussitôt que l'oncle arrive chez nous, tous les enfants l'entoure en attendant des cadeaux .

As soon as uncle comes to our place, all kids surround him expecting gifts.

5.  Tôt ou tard  - sooner or later ( uncertain time )

Tôt ou tard , vous recevrez de l'argent . Ayez de la patience.

Sooner or later, you will receive the money. Be patient . ( Have some patience)

Tôt ou tard , on arrivera à la destination .

Sooner or later, we will reach the destination.

That is all in this note.

Happy learning.

Sayee Jayaraman




Let us learn five more time expressions in this note.

1. Au debut de - at the beginning of

Au début de mai, l'examen va commencer.

Early May , the examination will commence.

Au début de sa carrière , il travaillait avec des scientifiques compétents .

Early in his career, he worked with competent scientists.

2. Au bout de quelque temps. - after some specified time

Elle vous appellera au bout d'une heure.

She will call you after an hour.

Prenez votre petit déjeuner . Au bout de deux heures, venez pour la prise de sang.

Have your breakfast . After two hours,come for taking a blood sample.

3. À la fin de  - at the end of 

 À la fin du programme , on chante l'hymne  national.

At the end of the programme , we sing national anthem.

4. Au fil du temps - over time

Au fil du temps, on perd contact avec ses amies de l'enfance.

Over time, we lose contact with our childhood friends.

Au fil du temps, on oublie beaucoup de choses.

Over time,  we forget many things.

5. À cette époque  - Those days

À cette époque , il avait un jeune homme idéaliste .

Those days, he was an idealistic young man.

À cette époque , on était sous la règne de l'Angleterre .

Those days, we were under the rule of England.

That is all in this note.

Happy learning !

Sayee Jayaraman 


Tuesday 3 March 2015



Let us learn five more time expressions in this note.

1. De nos jours - these days,  nowadays

De nos jours , le comportement des hommes de politique en Inde est insupportable .

These days , the behavior of Indian politicians is unbearable.

De nos jours, les enfants sont très habiles avec les ordinateurs.

These days, children are very savvy with the computers.

2. Du jour au lendemain  - suddenly

Cet homme change , du jour au lendemain , sa loyauté  à un autre parti en attendant quelque faveur.

This man changes suddenly his loyalty to another party expecting some favour.

Du jour au lendemain , elle est tombée malade.

Suddenly , she fell sick.

3.un jour ou l'autre. -  one day or other.

Un jour ou l'autre , il réalisera  ses rêves .

One day or other , he will realize his dreams.

Ce fonctionnaire  abuse de ses pouvoirs.  Un jour ou l'autre , il sera puni.

This officer misuses his powers. One day or other , he will be punished.

4. Jour et nuit.  - continuously

Mon frère  travaille jour et nuit pour son baccalauréat

My brother works day and night for his Baccalauréat .

Pendant les vacances, on s' amuse jour et nuit.

During holidays, we enjoy all the time.

5. À partir de tel jour - from such and such day onwards

A partir d'aujourd'hui , je vais me lever à 6 heures du matin.

From today onwards, I will get up at 6 in the morning.

A partir de demain ,  on aura un nouveau professeur.

From tomorrow onwards, we will have a new teacher.

That is all for now.

Happy learning .

Sayee Jayaraman


Monday 2 March 2015



Let us learn five more time expressions.

1. À l'instant -at this moment,just now

- Papa, quand tu étais au bureau, oncle Jean t'est appelé..

-Dad, when you were in office , uncle John called you.

- D'accord , je lui téléphonerai à l'instant .  

- Ok. I will telephone him just now.

2.À présent - presently , at the moment

- Qu'est-ce que tu fais maintenant , Joe ?

- What are you doing now , Joe ?

- À présent , je cherche un boulot.

-  At the moment , I am looking for a job.

3.Jusque-là - until then, that far

Elle était à Londres avant de s'installer à Paris. Jusque-là , elle gagnait assez de l'argent pour vivre sans souci.

She was in London before settling in Paris. Till then, she earned enough to live without worry.

4.tout à coup - suddenly

On s'amusait bien dans le club. Tout à coup, elle s'est évanouit .

We were enjoying in the club. All on a sudden, she fainted.

5. Tantôt  -  tout à l'heure, sometimes, this afternoon , afternoon. À bientôt 

Elle partira tantôt .

She will leave this afternoon .

Elle est arrivée tantôt .

She came this afternoon.

Tantôt , elle rit. Tantôt elle pleure. 

Sometimes , she laughs. Sometimes , she cries.

" tantôt " is an interesting adverb in French . Its use is more prevalent in Belgium and certain regions of France. Tant + tôt = tantôt 

This adverb has several meanings . But some of them are outdated. It means " afternoon" .

In relation to morning, it means afternoon and can be used with verb in future tense as given in the first example.

In relation to evening , it means afternoon and can be used with the verb in the past tense as in the second example.

This adverb can be used to denote successive change of state of somebody or something as given in the third example.

That is all for now.

Happy learning !

Sayee Jayaraman 


Sunday 1 March 2015



I don't mean telling time by the clock .That is too elementary . Here we deal with expressions relating to time in French . We have a very rich crop of words and expressions. If you learn them thoroughly ,you can write better French . Let us take five expressions for each note and learn how we can use them.  Perhaps , I may require about ten notes for completing this topic. If anyone has suggestions, he or she is free to make them.

1. N' importe quand -  anytime ( no matter when )

In bracket I have given the literal translation.

Pierre a l'habitude de déranger sa mère ,n'importe quand.

Peter has the habit of disturbing his mother anytime.

Elle mange n'importe quand .

She eats anytime.

2. Tout à l'heure      -  in an instant , a little while ago ,just now

Remember this adverbial phrase can be used both for past and future.

Tout à l'heure , on sortira.

Shortly , we will leave.

Tout à l'heure , elle est sortie.

She left a little while ago.

3. Tout de suite -  in an instant, shortly , immediately

Tout de suite , Céline Dion va chanter .

Shortly, Celine Dion is going to sing.

4. sur-le-champs - straightaway ,immediately

Elle rencontre cet écrivain . Sur-le-champs, elle tombe amoureuse de l'lui.

She meets that writer. Straightaway , she falls in love with him.

On m'offre un poste de professeur de mathématiques . Je l'accepte , sur- le- champs.

I am offered the post of a maths teacher. I accepted it immediately.

5.de temps en temps - from time to time

De temps en temps, elle  va à Delhi .

From time to time, she goes to Delhi.

De temps en temps , Martin envoie de l'argent à sa mère .

From time to time, Martin sends money to his mother.

We shall continue in the next post.

Sayee Jayaraman
