Saturday 23 May 2015




Course Director : Sri. T. K. Jayaraman IRS ( Retired)

FROM  07/06/2015  to 19/ 07/ 2015

The Basic French Course Level 1 commenced on 19/04/2015 and concluded on 23/06/2015. The participants attended the classes with great interest . Some of the participants of the Level1 course desired that the course can be continued for a higher level course. Therefore, it is proposed to conduct a level 2 course from 07/ 06/ 2015 to 19/ 07/ 2015. There will be seven sessions , each ,once in a week on Sundays only. The total duration of the course will be 20 hours. Each session will be for 3 hours with a tea break for 15 minutes. It is tentatively fixed from 9-45 am to 1 pm. The final session will be for 2hours only.

As the interval between two consecutive sessions will be one week, the participants are expected to work hard to attain a good proficiency by completing the assignments to be given to them during every session. Every participant is expected to take part in all learning activities which are proposed. Further, it is desired that the participants attend all the sessions without fail.

In each session , equal time will be devoted to instruction, speaking practice and tutorials . Course materials will be supplied for all sessions.


1. Any person who has successfully completed the Basic French Course conducted during 19/04 to 23/05/2015  in this Institute. OR
2. School/ College students who have taken French as one of the subjects. This course will help them deepen their knowledge of French. OR
3. Any person preparing for A!/A2 level conducted by the French Government . OR
4. Any person having basic knowledge of French , having studied it at some earlier period and who likes to pick up lost threads. OR
5. Any other highly motivated learner who is confident of coping with the demands of this course.
6. There is no age limit. But the participant should have basic knowledge of English to follow this course.


1.Revision of the contents of the Basic Course level 1
2. Conjugation of both regular and irregular verbs in the present tense.
3. Passé Composé and Imparfait .
4. Gender and Number of French Nouns and Adjectives
5. Adverbial expressions.
6. Futur and conditional.
7. Plus que parfait
8. Oral communication in day-to- day life -Introducing oneself and others- asking questions - describing a person /places/ things- talking about oneself - one’s likes /dislikes - one’s activities / habits/ daily life - leaving a message after a telephonic call / giving brief instructions / making purchases / fixing an appointment - inviting , accepting invitation / declining an invitation - getting information - talking about vacation - talking about weather-narrating your past experiences - talking about one’s plans - understanding people whom one meets-understand / write a message - postal card - understanding simple instructions - following  a menu - a cinema programme - tourist  information from pamphlets
9. pronominal verbs
10. French pronouns
11.French Idiomatic expressions
12. Present participle / gerund
13. Vocabulary on following - polite expressions - professions-daily activities -dress/ clothes -household objects-city- stores/ shopping - transport - food - festivals - holidays / vacation - media -weather- dwelling- landscape / countryside - cities .
14. Listening to French Audio clips - listening to RFI - News in Easy French - French Popular Film songs

The course fee will be Rs 2500 / - only + Rs 100 Admission Fee . Those willing to enrol in the course may contact

The Honorary Secretary

Indian Institute of World Culture 

BP Wadia Road 


Bangalore - 560004

Phone no 080- 26678581

Interested persons may also contact Sri. T. K. Jayaraman at +919538533363 .

I request well-wishers to share this post in their timeline so that maximum publicity is given to this announcement . Thank you all in advance.




COURSE DIRECTOR : Sri.T. K. Jayaraman IRS ( Retired)

LEVEL 1    SECOND BATCH  ( 06/06/2015 to 18/07/2015)

The first batch of BASIC FRENCH COURSE level 1 concluded  on 23/05/2015. It is proposed to conduct the second batch of the BASIC FRENCH COURSE LEVEL1 from 06/06/2015  to 18/07/2015. The total duration of the course will be 20 hours. The course will be held on every Saturday from 9-45 am to 1 pm with a tea-break for 15 minutes.Thus it can be noted that the duration of each session will be 3 hours. As usual , notes will be supplied in advance to the participants.  The course fee will be Rs 1500/ - only + Rs100 Admission fee. Interested persons may contact the Honorary Secretary, Indian Institute of World Culture,BP Wadia Road, Bangalore -5600 04 .

As the duration of the course is very short, only those who can attend all the sessions should get themselves enrolled in the course.

Anyone who desires to learn Basic French may enrol in the course.It is expected that the participant possesses adequate knowledge of English as English is the medium language for the course.

There is no age limit for the participants. On completion of the course, a certificate of completion will be issued.

Strict punctuality is expected from the participants. All the exercises should be completed during the tutorial hour allotted for each session . In each session , adequate time will be allotted for ORAL PRACTICE of the participants. Participants are expected to put their heart and soul into the learning process.

The first six sessions will have a duration of three hours each and that of the last session will 2 hours.  When a participant attends any session , he /she should have mastered the contents of the previous sessions. In other words, the learning process will be continual without any break.
Participants may leave their email id which will enable us to send certain communications/ course materials quickly.

Details of each session are given below.

FIRST SESSION 06/06/2015

                                     2.  SPELLING ONE’S NAME IN FRENCH
                                     3. ASKING / ANSWERING NAMES
                                     4. FIRST NAME / SURNAME
                                     5. FRENCH NAMES
                                     6. NUMBERS FROM 1 TO 100 IN FRENCH
                                     7. TELLING AGE ( AVOIR)
11am to 12                    9. TELLING ONE’S NATIONALITY(ÊTRE)
                                   10. TELLING PROFESSION
                                    11. ORAL  PRACTICE IN GROUPS OF CONTENTS LEARNT .
                                     WORK SHEETS/ VOCABULARY IMPROVEMENT/DAYS OF WEEK,

SECOND SESSION   13/06/2015

                                        2.TELLING TIME
                                        3. SIMPLE TIME EXPRESSIONS / FRENCH INDEFINITE ARTICLES
                                        4. TELLING ONE’S LIKES/ DISLIKES/ PREFERENCES
                                        ( AIMER, ADORER, DÉTESSTER, PRÉFÉRER, PLAIRE)
                                        5. NARRATING DAILY ACTIVITIES SEQUENTIALLY
                                        ( PRONOMINAL VERBS, D’ABORD, PUIS, ENSUITE, ENFIN)
                                        6. FIRST GROUP VERBS CONJUGATION
11am to 12                       7. ORAL PRACTICE IN GROUPS

12 to 1pm                         TUTORIALS / VERB DRILLS  FIRST GROUP / PRONOMINAL VERBS /
                                        VOCABULARY IMPROVEMENT

THIRD SESSION          20/06/2015

                                       2. FUTUR PROCHE / CONTRACTED ARTICLES
                                       3. PASSÉ  RÉCENT
                                       4. PASSÉ COMPOSÉ
                                       5. DESCRIPTION OF PERSONS / THINGS / ADJECTIVES
                                       6. POSSESSIVE ADJECTIVES
                                       7. DEMONSTRATIVE ADJECTIVES
11am to  12                     8. ORAL PRACTICE IN GROUPS

                                        PASSÉ COMPOSÉ / ADJECTIVES/ VOCABULARY IMPROVEMENT

FOURTH SESSION         27/06/2015

                                         2. GOING BY TRANSPORT / PARTITIF ARTICLES
                                         3. FINDING YOUR WAY / DIRECTIONS / IMPERATIVES
                                         4. TELLING WEATHER/ WEATHER BULLETIN
                                         5. GOING TO THE DOCTOR
                                         6. NEGATIVE EXPRESSIONS

11am to    12                     7. ORAL PRACTICE IN GROUPS

12 to 1pm                          TUTORIALS/  VOCABULARY IMPROVEMENT

FIFTH SESSION                04/ 07/ 2015

                                          2. ASKING QUESTIONS IN FRENCH
                                          3. FUTURE TENSE
                                          4. FRENCH PREPOSITIONS
                                          5. TONIC PRONOUNS
11am to 12                         6. ORAL PRACTICE IN GROUPS

12 to 1 pm                          TUTORIALS / VOCABULARY IMPROVEMENT

SIXTH SESSION               11/07/2015
                                         2.DIRECT OBJECT PRONOUNS
                                         3. INDIRECT OBJECT PRONOUNS
                                         4. EN, Y
11am to 12                        ORAL PRACTICE IN GROUPS

12 to 1 pm                          TUTORIALS/ VOCABULARY IMPROVEMENT

SEVENTH SESSION           18/07/2015

10-30 am to 12 -30pm          FEEDBACK
                                            CONCLUDING SESSION
                                             DISTRIBUTION OF CERTIFICATES

The Course Director  will propose a few learning activities beyond the classroom hours that will enhance and enrich the learning experience of the participants.

BANGALORE                                                                         T. K. THIMMARAJA SETTY
19/05/2015                                                                              HONORARY SECRETARY                    
                                                                                INDIAN INSTITUTE OF WORLD CULTURE

BP Wadia Road , Basavangudi 
Bangalore - 560004

Phone no : 080- 26678581

A request : Interested persons may contact Sri. T. K. Jayaraman at 09538533363. Well-wishers kindly share this post with their friends to give wide publicity to this announcement . Thanking all in advance.


The Basic French Course came to a conclusion  on 23/05/2015. The total duration of the course was 20 hours.  The course was spread over a period of five weeks. In all 54 participants enrolled in the course. But for some reason or other 6 participants did not attend the course at all. Certificates of completion were issued to the other participants.

A brief ceremony was organized in the Manorama Hall of the Indian Institute of World Culture at 10 30 am. Sri.T. K. Thimma Raja Setty , Honorary Seceretary of IIWC gave the welcome address. Hon. Justice M.N . Venkatachaliah , the President of IIWC was the chief guest.

The chief guest in his address extolled the greatness of French Culture and civilization and its seminal contribution to human thought in diverse fields such as mathematics , philosophy , arts cuisine / wine etc. He recalled his association with the French institutions with nostalgia while he was the Chief Justice of India. He concluded that with learning of French language and culture, the Indian Institute of World Culture is justified in having such a name. He said more and more participants should benefit from these courses.

The Honorary Secretary said that Mr. T. K. Jayaraman IRS ( Retired) , after his retirement devotes most of his time in training learners in French and expected that more participants would join the forthcoming courses to be inaugurated on 6 the and 7th of June 2015.

Six of the participants spoke informing the audience as to how they benefitted from this course.
The President distributed the certificates of completion to all the participants present.
The ceremony came to an end with vote of thanks to the chair.

T. K. Jayaraman
Course Director
Basic French Course
Indian Institute of World Culture
Bangalore - 560004


Friday 22 May 2015





I am going to take up the following verb to teach you the rule. Where certain verbs deviate from the general rule , I shall point out. In French , for every rule , there will be exceptions. You can never say you are 100% correct. Don't worry. If you some mistakes while learning, heavens will not fall!.

PARLER-    To speak 

1. Remove the ending -ER from the infinitive form

2. You get the stem - PARL

3. Add the following endings to the stem. E, ES, E, ONS , EZ, ENT

Je parlE

Tu parlES

Il /Elle/on parlE

Nous parlONS

Vous parl EZ

Ils / Elles parl ENT

The above conjugation would mean

I speak 
You speak
He /she / one speaks
We speak
You speak
They speak

The first three conjugations are for the singular first, second and third person. The rest are for plural.

Now you can conjugate the following verbs using this rule.

Regarder, écouter ,apporter,arriver ,cacher,chercher,commander,comparer,continuer, coûter ,demander,détester ,donner,employer,expliquer ,féliciter,fermer,gagner,garder,goûter,habiter,hésiter,inviter,jouer,laisser,louer,manquer,oublier,participer,passer,penser,préparer ,prêter ,prier,proposer,quitter,rembourser ,remercier,ressembler,souhaiter,travailler,trouver, voler,aider,aimer, ajouter,bavarder,briller,casser,compter,couper,crier,danser,déjeuner ,dessiner dîner,échouer ,embrasser,enseigner,entourer ,entrer,épouser,étudier ,frapper,fumer,gâter,gronder,ignorer,laver,marcher,monter,montrer,nommer,pardonner,peigner,pleurer,porter,poser, pousser

Why do I give the above list ?

Anyone preparing for or intending to attain A1 proficiency level should know the above verbs. Kindly make efforts to learn the meaning and use of the above verbs. Their conjugation follows the rule explained above.

In the next note, we shall study the conjugation of some first group verbs which slightly violate the rule. Ok ?


Before proceeding further with more verbs of the first group, let me give a note on the use of present tense in the indicative mood. Most often we use the present tense. Hence it is imperative that we grasp its nuances.

1. Present tense tells us what is happening in the present moment. In English we have the present continuous or progressive tense which is not there in French . Study the following examples.

Je regarde la télé .

I am watching tv.

 Je lis un roman.

I am reading a novel.

Maman fait la cuisine.

Mother is cooking.

Elle prend du petit déjeuner .

She is having breakfast .

Hope you understand.

To emphasise that an action is going on at this moment, you can use the expression,

" être en train de faire quelque chose " 

" to be on the point of doing something "

Je suis en train de préparer une leçon .

I am on the point of preparing a lesson. 

Remember the above English version does not sound good . Simply use the English continuous tense.

I am preparing a lesson.


Normally in any language , to express habitual actions we use the present tense. French is no exception.

Le dimanche , je vais au cinéma .

I go to cinema on Sundays.

Note the use of " le dimanche " . When you are habitually doing something on a day, use ," le dimanche, le lundi , le mardi and so on.

The above sentence means that every Sunday you are in the habit of going to cinema.

Hope you got the point.

Je ne fume jamais .

I never smoke.

That means, you don't have the habit of smoking.

À Bangalore , il fait beau toute l'année .

In Bangalore, the weather is fine throughout the year.

Je me réveille à six heures du matin.

I wake up at six o' clock in the morning.

That means everyday you wake up at six, as a habit.


This happens in many language. For example , in English we say,

John, tomorrow , I am coming to your place.

Kids , I am promising you a treat next week , if you get good grades.

Similar use is permitted in French .

Demain, mon père vient de Delhi.

Tomorrow, my father comes from Delhi.

En été , nous allons à Ooty.

We are going to Ooty in summer.


For a lively presentation of historical narrative, the present tense is used.

Le père d' Alexandre Dumas meurt alors qu'il n'a que quatre ans. La famille Dumas est assez pauvre. Alexandre arrête tôt ses études pour gagner de l'argent . À vingt ans, il va à Paris et trouve du travail .

En 1589, Henri IV, le père de Louis XIII, devient roi avec l'aide des nobles de Gascogne.

Note that all the verbs in the above narration are in the present tense.


All truths supposed to be universal and scientific truths are normally expressed in the present tense.

L' homme est mortel.

Man is mortal.

Le serpent est venimeux .

Snakes are poisonous .

La terre tourne autour du soleil.

Earth revolves around the sun.

Hope I made my point clear.


We have to pay attention to some verbs of the first group whose conjugation , though follows the general rule with regard to endings, show some variation either in spelling or accents.  I shall indicate both the infinitive and conjugation in the present of such of those verbs. 

1. Acheter - to buy


Tu achètes

Il / elle/ on achète 

Nous achetons 

Vous achetez

Ils/elles achètent 

In what way the conjugation deviates from the rule enunciated in the French Note 19?

Observe the accent of " e" which occurs first in the conjugation except those of first/second person plural. There is grave accent over the first " e" in all the conjugations. You have to remember it.

2. Appeler-to call

Tu appelles
Il/elle/on appelle
Nous appelons
Vous appelez 
Ils/elles appellent

Note the doubling of the consonant " l" in respect of all conjugations except in the case of first/ second person plural.

The following verbs are conjugated like " appeler"

S'appeler, rappeler, se rappeler, renouveler

3. Manger- to eat

Je mange 
Tu manges
Il/elle/on mange
Nous mangeons 
Vous mangez
Ils/elles mangent

Note thé conjugation for " nous"  . After " g" an " e" is inserted. Why ? Suppose , that " e" we're not there , then the " g" would acquire  a hard sound. But we need a soft sound. So an " e"  is inserted. Hope you got the point . Therefore the " g" in mangeons as well as mangez will be pronounced in the same way.

The following verbs are conjugated like " manger"

Arranger, bouger,changer, charger, se charger,corriger,décourager,dégager,déranger,diriger,se diriger,encourager,s'engager,interroger,juger,loger,nager,négliger,neiger,obliger,plonger,ronger,songer, venger,se venger, voyager.

These are all very common verbs. Even at A1level you should know all these verbs. Please refer to a good dictionary and learn their meanings. Please practise the conjugations orally as well as in writing.

4. Commencer - to begin 

Je commence
Tu commences
Il/elle/on commence
Nous commençons 
Vous commencez
Ils/elles commencent 

Just note " Ç " in " commençons " . Guess the reason. If you don't put the cedilla sign, it will make the " c" hard like "k" sound.

The following verbs are conjugated like " commencer"

Annoncer,avancer,déplacer, se déplacer,s'élancer,enfoncer,exercer,forcer,lancer,menacer,
Placer, prononcer,recommencer,renoncer

5.crier -to scream

Je crie
Tu cries
Il/Elle/on crie
Nous crions
Vous criez
Ils/elles crient

Surely this verb follows the general rule.  The stem will be " cri" . But the Larousse Grammar which I follow classifies this under a special grouping. May be this group consists of verbs ending in - ier . The following verbs are similar to " crier" as far as the termination is concerned.

Apprécier,confier,s'écrier ,étudier ,justifier ,lier,oublier,photographier,plier,prier,publier,réfugier.

6.ennuyer -to bore

Tu ennuies
Il/elle/on ennuie
Nous ennuyons 
Vous ennuyez
Ils/elles ennuient

In the above conjugations , the stem is " ennu" for all except for the first/second person plural for which the stem would be " ennuy" . Kindly note. The following verbs are conjugated in a similar manner.

Appuyer,s'ennuyer,nettoyer,se noyer,essuyer

7. Essayer-to try

Tu essayes
Tu essaies
Il/elle/on essaye
Il/elle/on essaie
Nous essayons 
Vous essayez
Ils/elles essayent
Ils/elles essaient

Note the variations in spellings excepting for the first/second person plural. You have a choice between two .

S'effrayer,payer,balayer etc are conjugated like this.

8.lever - to raise

Je lève 
Tu lèves 
Il/elle/on lève 
Nous levons
Vous levez
Ils/elles lèvent 

Please note the grave accent over the first " e" in all the conjugations except the first/second person plural. The following verbs are conjugated in a like manner.

Se lever,élever,enlever,relever,soulever,amener,emmener,mener,se promener,ramener,crever,geler,peser....

9.jeter -to throw

Je jette
Tu jettes
Il/elle/on jette
Nous jetons 
Vous jetez 
Ils/elles jettent

Please note the doubling of the consonant " t" in all cases except those of first/second person plural.

Rejeter, projeter,etc are conjugated in a like manner.

10.espérer - to hope

Tu espères 
Il/elle/on espère 
Nous espérons 
Vous espérez 
Ils / elles espèrent 

Note the accents of the second " e" carefully. Grave accent in four cases. Acute accent in two cases. The following verbs are conjugated in a like manner.

Céder ,opérer,posséder,préférer,protéger ,régler,régner,répéter,révéler,sécher,succéder etc

With this I complete the conjugation of first group of verbs in the present tense in the indicative mood. Next I shall take up the second group verbs.

As promised, now I shall take up second group of verbs. Remember , the first and second group of verbs are called regular verbs because they follow certain rules in their conjugation. I shall further remind you that we are dealing with verbs in indicative mood in the present tense. Don't forget there are in all twenty tenses and six moods. So it is somewhat like a very long tv serial. While the former is entertaining , this will strain you a little. Don't they say , " No pains , no gains " .? I don't believe in learning by fun or amusement . Learning is hard work . Yes you have to slog.

Second group - I R verbs

The infinitive of these verbs end in IR. First they teach you the conjugation of " FINIR " . 

Let me state the rule, 

1. Remove the ending IR and get the stem.

2. To the stem add the following to get the respective conjugations.


Finir-to finish 

The Stem will be fin

So following will be the conjugation.

Je finis- I finish or I am finishing

Tu finis

Il/elle/on finit

Nous finissons 

Vous finissez

Ils/elles finissent 

Further , don't think any verb ending in IR belongs to second group. For example ,

 "Venir"  is not a second  group verb. 

What are the other second group verbs ? Voici la liste

Munir,nourrir,obéir, punir,refraîchir,ralentir,réfléchir ,remplir,réunir,réussir ,rôtir,rougir,saisir,salir,

There are very many which I have not mentioned . As you progress in your French , you will learn them. Once you know generally the verbs of different groups, try to identify such verbs after reading a French text. You can take any text and try it. Remember  using the language is as important as learning the rules of grammar. Mere learning the rules may bore you to the point that you may give up learning your French . So there should be a judicious mix of different types of activities .

Listen to French news from any of the available stations and as you listen jot down the verbs. Then identify their groups. Ok ?

That is all for now. We shall continue later.


I decided to resume the preparation of French Notes. I would like to deal with the third group of French verbs. In what way the third group of verbs are different from those of the first/second groups?  Simple! The stem for conjugating the verbs are variable. In other words, these verbs are irregular while the first two groups of verbs are regular. When you know the rules of conjugation, you can conjugate any verb of the first two groups , with some slight variation in the first group. But not so in the case of third group . They are highly irregular. You have to learn their conjugations by heart. In this note, let us learn the conjugations of important third group verbs

The third group verbs generally have the following endings except " aller"


I am taking up in all 60 verbs of the third group. If you master them , you will be thorough with almost any other third third group verb for the reason certain verbs form their own sub - groups while conjugating . You should only know which verbs form such sub-groups . This knowledge , will be acquired by practice and also by referring to good dictionaries which guide you in conjugation .

Now let us learn the conjugation of the verbs in the indicative mood / present tense.

1.Aller- to go

Je vais
Tu vas
Il/elle/on va
Nous allons
Vous allez
Ils/elles vont

Note how irregular is this verb! This verb is ubiquitous in French . When you start your French they teach you, " comment allez-vous? , Comment ça va? Je vais bien etc.
The radical is not at all regular . So the verb is highly irregular . Don't say that this verb belongs to the first group by noting its endings.

Now let us take up the verbs ending in -IR.

2. Acquérir - to acquire

Tu acquiers,
Il/elle/on acquiert
Nous acquérons 
Vous acquérez 
Ils/elles acquièrent 

Note the grave accent in the first/second person plural. 
"Conquérir " is conjugated similarly.

3. Bouillir - to boil

Je bous
Tu bous
Il/elle/on bout
Nous bouillons
Vous bouillez
Ils/elles bouillent

4.Courir - to run

Je cours
Tu cours
Il / elle/on court
Nous courons
Vous courez
Ils/elles courent
The verbs, " accourir,parcourir,secourir " are conjugated similarly.

5.Cueillir - to collect

Je cueille
Tu cueilles
Il /elle/on cueille
Nous cueillons
Vous cueillez
Ils/elles cueillent

Accueillir ,recueillir are conjugated similarly.

6.Dormir - to sleep

Je dors
Tu dors
Il/elle/on dort
Nous dormons
Vous dormez
Ils/elles dorment

S'endormir is conjugated similarly.

7. Fuir - to flee

Je fuis
Tu fuis
Il/elle/on fuit
Nous fuyons
Vous fuyez
Ils fuient
S'enfuir is conjugated similarly.

8. Haïr- to hate

Je hais
Tu hais
Il /elle/on hait
Nous haïssons 
Vous haïssez 
Ils/elles haïssent 

9. Mentir - to lie

Je mens 
Tu mens
Il/elle/on ment
Nous mentons
Vous mentez
Ils/elles mentent

Démentir is conjugated similarly.

10. Mourir - to die

Je meurs
Tu meurs
Il/elle/on meurt
Nous mourons
Vous mourez
Ils/elles meurent

11. Offrir - to offer

Tu offres
Il/elle/on offre
Nous offrons
Vous offrez
Ils/elles offrent

Souffrir is conjugated similarly.

12. Ouvrir - to open

Tu ouvres
Il/elle/on ouvre
Nous ouvrons 
Vous ouvrez
Ils/elles ouvrent

Couvrir,découvrir  are conjugated similarly.

13.  Partir - to leave

Je pars
Tu pars
Il/Elle/on part
Nous partons
Vous partez
Ils/elles partent

Repartir is conjugated similarly.

14. Sentir - to smell
Je sens
Tu sens
Il/elle/on sent
Nous sentons
Vous sentez
Ils /elles sentent
Ressentir is conjugated similarly.

15. Servir- to serve

Je sers
Tu sers
Il/Elle/on sert
Nous servons
Vous servez
Ils/elles servent

Ressortir is conjugated similarly.

16. Tenir - to hold

Je tiens
Tu tiens
Il/elle/on tient
Nous tenons
Vous tenez
Ils/elles tiennent

Abstenir, contenir, détenir , entretenir , maintenir ,obtenir, retenir ,soutenir are conjugated similarly.

17. Venir - to come

Je viens
Tu viens
Il/elle/on vient
Nous venons
Vous venez
Ils/elles viennent

Convenir, devenir,parvenir,revenir, souvenir,prévenir , intervenir. Contrevenir are conjugated

18. Vêtir - to dress

Je vêts 
Tu vêts 
Il/elle/on vêt 
Nous vêtons 
Vous vêtez 
Ils/elles vêtent 

Revêtir is conjugated similarly.

Now let us take the verbs with ending -OIR

19. S' asseoir - to be seated

Je m'assieds
Tu t'assieds 
Il/elle/on s'assied
Nous nous asseyons 
Vous vous asseyez
Ils/elles s'asseyent 

Note that the above verb is in the pronomial form of which we shall speak letter.

20. Devoir - must

Je dois 
Tu dois
Il/elle/on doit
Nous devons
Vous devez
Ils/ elles doivent

Later we shall study the use of the group of verbs , " devoir, pouvoir , falloir, valoir " .
For the time being , I have given only the conjugation .

21.falloir - to be necessary

Il faut

This verb is conjugated only in third person singular .

22.mouvoir - to move

Je meus
Tu meus
Il/Elle/on meut
Nous mouvons
Vous mouvez
Ils/elles m'ouvrent

Promouvoir , émouvoir are conjugated similarly.

23. Pleuvoir - to rain
Il pleut

For obvious reasons , this verb is conjugated only with " il ". It is an impersonal verb.

24. Pouvoir - can

 Je peux
Tu peux
Il/elle/on peut
Nous pouvons
Vous pouvez
Ils/elles peuvent 

26. Recevoir - to receive

Je reçois 
Tu reçois
Il/elle/on recevoit
Nous recevons
Vous recevez
Ils/elles reçoivent 

Concevoir, décevoir  are conjugated similarly.

27. Savoir - to know
Je sais
Tu sais
Il /elle/on sait
Nous savons
Vous savez
Ils/elles savent

28.  Valoir - to be worth

Je vaux
Tu vaux
Il/elle/on vaut
Nous valons
Vous valez
Ils/elles valent

29. Voir - to see

Je vois
Tu vois
Ils/elle/on voit
Nous voulons
Vous voulez
Ils/elles veulent

Revoir,prévoir are conjugated similarly .

30. Vouloir -to want

Je veux 
Tu veux
Il/Elle /on veut
Nous voulons
Vous voulez
Ils/elles veulent 

That is all for this note. In the next note, I shall take up verbs ending in -RE.
French Note 24

Verbs with endings -RE

31. Attendre - to wait for, expect

Tu attends
Il/elle/on attend
Nous attendons
Vous attendez
Ils/elles attendent

Défendre , dépendre,dépendre ,descendre,entendre,s'étendre ,mordre,pendre,prétendre,rendre, répondre,tendre ,tordre,vendre are conjugated similarly. Note that a large number of verbs are conjugated like attendre. So please pay special attention .

32. Battre - to beat

Je bats
Tu bats
Il/elle/on bat
Nous battons
Vous battez
Ils/elles battent

Abattre, combattre are conjugated similarly.

33. Boire - to drink

Je bois
Tu bois
Il/elle/on boit
Nous buvons
Vous buvez
Ils/elles boivent

On 33. Conclure - to conclude

Je conclus
Tu conclus
Il/elle/on conclut
Nous concluons 
Vous concluez
Ils/elles concluent 

Occlure ,inclure  exclure are  conjugated similarly.

34. Conduire - to drive

Je conduis
Tu conduis
Il/elle/on conduit
Nous conduisons 
Vous conduisez
Ils/elles conduisent 

Construire,détruire, induire,instruire,introduire,luire,réduire,traduire are conjugated similarly.

35. Connaître -to know

Je connais
Tu connais
Il/elle/on connaît 
Nous connaissons 
Vous connaissez
Ils/elles connaissent 

Apparaître, disparaître , paraître, réapparaître are conjugated similarly .

36.  Coudre - to stitch

Je couds
Tu couds
Il/elle/on coud
Nous cousons
Vous cousez
Ils/elles cousent

37. Craindre - to fear

Je crains
Tu crains
Il /elle/on craint
Nous craignons 
Vous craignez
Ils/elles craignent

Contraindre,plaindre are conjugated similarly.

38. Croire - to believe

Je crois
Tu crois
Il/elle/on croit
Nous croyons
Vous croyez
Ils/elles croient 

39. Croître -to grow

Je croîs
Tu croîs 
Il/elle/on croît
Nous croissons
Vous croissez
Ils/elles croissent

Please do not confuse the conjugation of " croire " with " croître" especially the singular forms.

40. Cuire - to cook

Je cuis
Tu cuis
Il/elle/on cuit
Nous cuisons 
Vous cuisez
Ils/elles cuisent

41. Dire - to say

Je dis
Tu dis
Il / elle / on dit
Nous disons
Vous dites
Ils/elles disent

Please be careful while conjugating for " vous". One is likely to commit mistake. Hence a favorite question in basic French exams. Really a good irregular verb.

42. Écrire - to write

Tu écris 
Il/elle/on écrit 
Nous écrivons 
Vous écrivez
Ils/elles écrivent 

Décrire , s'inscrire,prescrire, proscrire are  conjugated similarly.

43. Éteindre - to put out

Tu éteins
Il/elle/on éteint
Nous éteignons 
Vous éteignez
Ils/elles éteignent 

Peindre, repeindre are conjugated similarly .

44.  Faire - to do , to make

Je fais
Tu fais
Il/elle/on fait
Nous faisons
Vous faites
Ils/elles font

A highly irregular verb. It is a very common verb and many expressions are formed with it . I shall later prepare an exhaustive note on this verb. Pay careful attention to its conjugation .

Défaire   Refaire  ,satisfaire are conjugated similarly.

45.  Fondre -  to melt

Je fonds
Tu fonds
Il / elle / on fond
Nous fondons
Vous fondez
Ils / elles fondent

Pondre , tondre are conjugated  similarly.

46. Joindre - to join

Je joins
Tu joins
Il/elle/on joint 
Nous joignons 
Vous joignez 
Ils/elles joignent

Rejoindre  is conjugated similarly.

47.  Lire - to read

Je lis
Tu lis
Il/elle/on lit
Nous lisons
Vous lisez
Ils/elles lisent

Élire, relire are conjugated similarly.

48.  Mettre - to put on, to keep

Je mets
Tu mets
Il/Elle/on met
Nous mettons
Vous mettez
Ils/elles mettent

Commettre, émettre ,omettre , promettre, remettre, soumettre ,admettre ,permettre are conjugated similarly.

49.  Naître - to be born

Je nais 
Tu nais
Il/elle/on naît 
Nous naissons 
Vous naissez
Ils/elles naissent

50.  Perdre - to lose

Je perds
Tu perds
Ils/elles perd
Nous perdons 
Vous perdez
Ils/ elles perdent

51. Plaire - to please

Je plais
Tu plais
Il/elle/on plaît 
Nous plaisons 
Vous plaisez
Ils/ elles plaisent

Déplaire is conjugated similarly.

52. Prendre - to take

Je prends
Tu prends
Il/elle/on prend
Nous prenons
Vous prenez
Ils/elles prennent

Comprendre, surprendre,éprendre ,reprendre,apprendre are conjugated similarly.

53. Résoudre - to resolve

Je résous 
Tu résous 
Il/elle/on résout 
Nous résolvons 
Vous résolvez
Ils/elles résolvent 

Absoudre, dissoudre are conjugated similarly.

54. RIRE - to laugh

Je ris
Tu ris
Il/elle/on rit
Nous rions

Vous riez
Ils/elles rient

Sourire is conjugated similarly.

55. Rompre - to break

Je romps
Tu romps
Il/elle/on romp
Nous rompons
Vous rompez
Ils/ elles rompent

Corrompre is conjugated similarly .

56.  Suffire - to be sufficient

Je suffis
Tu suffis
Il/elle/on suffit
Nous suffisons 
Vous suffisez
Ils/elles suffisent

57. Suivre - to follow

Je suis
Tu suis
Il/elle/on suit
Nous suivons
Vous suivez
Ils/elles suivent

Poursuivre is conjugated similarly.

58.  Se  taire - to Keep quiet 

Je me tais
Tu te tais
Il/elle/on se tait
Nous nous taisons
Vous vous taisez
Ils/elles se taisent

59. Vaincre - to vanquish

Je vaincs
Tu vaincs
Il/ elle/on vainc
Nous vainquons 
Vous vainquez
Ils/elles vainquent

Convaincre is conjugated similarly.

60. Vivre - to live

Je vis
Tu vis
Il/elle/on vit
Nous vivons
Vous vivez
Ils/elles vivent

Survivre is conjugated similarly.

Now I am coming to the end.  I have given you almost all the important verbs of French.
I reiterate that while reading a French text or listening to podcast/radio identify the verbs and put them in the proper basket to which they belong. Then only you can master these verbs. For all aspirants to different levels of French Exams, this is a must. Kindly note that my posts are intended for anglophones who need some explanation in French usage and grammar and not for those who want just to have smattering of French conversation . For that purpose, plenty of material is available in net. Expressing correctly in French is really a hard task and don't be under the illusion that by watching some videos , you can attain high proficiency. One has to make great efforts. All depends on why you need French. For motivated learners,  study will be a pleasure.