Saturday 8 August 2015

French Expression 20 " Brouiller les pistes "- " confuse the issue/ cloud the issue

French Expression 20

" brouiller  les pistes "

To cloud the issue, to confuse the issue

The verb " brouiller "  means  " to muddle ". The literal meaning of this French expression is " to cover the tracks ". But the figurative sense would be " to cloud or confuse the issue ". Today's newspaper carries a news item reporting that President François Hollande does not come out clear with his holiday plans. The ever inquisitive paparazzi try their best to know how he is going to holiday with his latest companion. In that context, the newspaper says ,"  Le Président brouille  les pistes ". ( The President clouds the issue )

Go through the following examples:

1.  Quand un scandale éclate , le porte-parole  du gouvernement se met à brouiller les pistes.

When a scandale breaks out the government spokesperson starts covering  up the issue.

2.  Ce film est magnifique ! Il s'agit d'un meurtre. Le père d'une fille qui a tué un jeune homme, brouille  les pistes  avec tant d' habilité que les policiers n'arrivent jamais à trouver la vérité .

That film is great. It is about a murder. The father of a girl who killed a young man covers the tracks so cleverly that the policemen never manage to find the truth.

3.  Dis -moi la vérité . N'invente pas des histoires pour brouiller les pistes.

Tell me the truth. Don't invent stories to confuse .

Hope you understood . In beginners' French courses they teach you , " Il fait du brouillard " ( It is foggy ) . The verb " brouiller " and the noun " brouillard" belong to the same family of words.

À bientôt !

T.K. Jayaraman

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